

Dental check-up

50 €

Multidisciplinary treatment plan of dental rehabilitation

70 - 150 €


19 €

Small digital x-ray

20 €

Every subsequent small digital x-ray

12 €

OPTG (Panoramic X-ray)

30 €

(for an external patient – referral required)

3D computed tomography of teeth (CT) (two jaws)

70 €

(for an external patient – referral required)

3D computed tomography of teeth (CT) (one jaw)

60 €

(for an external patient – referral required)

3D computed tomography of teeth (CT) (a segment)

50 €

(for an external patient – referral required)

CEPH (side view of skull)

40 €

(for an external patient – referral required)

Diagnostic waxing for rehabilitation of one dental arch

35 - 280 €

Dental Photography

20 €

Fee to cover the costs of being ready to provide healthcare services

40 €

(for unannounced no-show)

Use of the Waterlase iPlus laser

75 €


Temporary filling

35 €

Filling (depending on size and material)

50-120 €

Glass fiber post and tooth restoration

110 €

Extensive restoration of a tooth with a composite filling

150 €

Composite crown

150-300 €

The price of additional services: anaesthesia, isolating the tooth, X-ray, as indicated on the price list, is added to the price of the filling, when applicable.

Root canal treatment

COMPREHENSIVE PRICE: Treatment of root canals of one tooth depending on the condition of the tooth and the number of root canals

350-950 €

(one or two visit treatment)

COMPREHENSIVE PRICE: Additional visit for replacing the medication

85-130 €

Apicoectomy (root apex resection)

650-850 €

The cost of the COMPREHENSIVE ROOT TREATMENT consists of the following procedures performed during two main visits:



  • Anaesthesia
  • Isolation of the tooth using dental dam
  • If necessary, restoring the tooth with filling material (pre-endodontic restoration)
  • Root canal cleaning and expansion – The cost of root canal treatment depends on the number of canals in the tooth (usually 1–4 canals, in rare cases more)
  • Root canal medication replacement
  • Temporary filling
  • X-ray, if necessary
  • The cost of using a microscope, if necessary


  • Anaesthesia, if necessary
  • Isolation of the tooth using dental dam
  • Root canal filling – The cost of root canal treatment depends on the number of canals in the tooth (usually 1–4 canals, in rare cases more)
  • Restoration of the crown of the tooth with a composite filling – The cost of the filling depends on the size of the filling
  • X-rays required during the procedure

*When providing emergency aid while there is an inflammation of the root canals, it is not always possible to fully expand the root canal and start treatment and thus, this visit is not considered the first stage of the treatment and is not included in the aforementioned comprehensive cost of root canal treatment.


ADDITIONAL VISITS FOR MEDICATION REPLACEMENT – Sometimes an additional visit may be required to replace the medication between the two main visits (* Not included in the basic price package mentioned above)

  • Anaesthesia, if necessary
  • Isolation of tooth with dental dam
  • Cleaning the root canal and replacing the medication
  • Temporary filling

Dental surgery

Dental implant consultation

0* €

The price includes a 3D X-ray for internal use in the Läänemere Hambakliinik clinic (issuing the X-ray to the client for personal use is based on the price list).
*Dental implant consultation are PAID with Ljudmila Jegorova (35-50 euros).

“All-inclusive” package: implant + screw-retained ceramic crown

1399 €

The price of additional services: maxillary sinus floor elevation, gingival and bone grafting, as indicated on the price list, is added to the final price.

Second stage (sulcus former placement)

100-200 €

Sinus lift

600-1500 €

Gingival graft

800-1000 €

Connective tissue graft

800-1000 €

Guided bone regeneration

200-2000 €

Single-rooted tooth extraction

60 €

Multirooted tooth extraction

85 €

Complex tooth extraction

110 €

Surgical extraction of wisdom tooth

200 €

Frenectomy of the tongue/lip with the Waterlase iPlus laser

150 €

The cost of gingival and bone grafting depends on the complexity and extent of the operation.

The price of additional services: anaesthesia, X-rays, suturing, as indicated on the price list, is added to the price, when applicable.


Ceramic crown

from 600 €

Zirconium crown

from 600 €


from 600 €

Adhesive crown cementation

50 €


30 €

Temporary crown prepared during appointment

50 €

Temporary laboratory crown

150 €

Partial removable acrylic denture

600 €

Full denture

900 €

Thermoplastic removable partial denture

900 €

Periodontal treatment

Clinical and radiological diagnostics of periodontitis, periodontal status, identification of etiology and preparation of a treatment plan

80 €

Comprehensive periodontal cleaning of less than 6mm gum pockets
(ultrasound + hand instruments)

(1 tooth) 18 €

If necessary, the price of anaesthesia, Airflow cleaning to remove dental plaque/stains or application of medicine is added.

Comprehensive periodontal cleaning 6mm and deeper gum pocket
(ultrasound + hand instruments)

(1 tooth) 22 €

If necessary, the price of anesthesia, Airflow cleaning to remove dental plaque/stains or application of medicine is added.

Complex price of periodontal cleaning depending on the severity

400-850 €

General anaesthesia


0* €

*During a free consultation, a treatment plan and x-rays are not given to the patient (if necessary, you can receive an x-ray and treatment plan at the price indicated in the price list).

First hour of anaesthesia

400 €

Every subsequent hour

200 €

NB! This procedure is not compensated by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund (Tervisekassa)!
We welcome patients aged 19 years or older for consultation on treatment under general anaesthesia.

Teeth cleaning DENTIST

Prophylaxis cleaning – DENTIST – Air Flow teeth cleaning + ultrasound

140 €

(2 dental arches)

Teeth cleaning HYGIENIST

Pärlipesu - Airflow cleaning to remove plaque/stains

79 €

Pärlipesu PLUS - Airflow cleaning to remove plaque/stains and tartar removal (ultrasound)

99 €

  • Pärlipesu and Pärlipesu Plus procedures are usually performed by oral hygienists.
  • In some cases, if there is much more tartar than average, an additional charge (€ 15-30) will be added to the basic price for the removal of a large amount of tartar. The patient is informed of the price change during the oral examination, before starting the procedure.
  • Pärlipesu/Pärlipesu Plus procedures are not intended for primary treatment for patients diagnosed with periodontitis. If patient has periodontitis, these procedures are suitable only if periodontitis is under control by a dentist during the follow-up period.
  • When visiting an oral hygienist, it is not possible to use the Estonian adult dental allowance (Täiskasvanute hambaravihüvitis – 40€/85€)! If you wish to use it for cleaning, please let us know when registering for the visit and your visit will be carried out by dentist. In this case, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund price list applies to the invoice and the price of cleaning depends on the number of teeth that need cleaning (Please note that prices differ from our price list).


Individual whitening tray (one jaw)

145 €

Non-vital tooth whitening

80 €

BlancOne LED whitening

139 €

BlancOne Click LED teeth whitening + cleaning

139 €

BlancOne Touch LED teeth whitening + cleaning

219 €


Free treatment for children under 19 y.o. if child is registered in Estonian Health Insurance Fund.
The visit fee for children under 19 y.o. is 5 €

Treatment Dental Student

Dental treatment and prosthetics during a visit by dental student give a – 20% discount off the bill (excluding professional oral hygiene services Pärlipesu and Pärlipesu Plus and the visit fee).


A Dental Student is a student who is in the process of studying dentistry and participates in providing medical services under the supervision and responsibility of a dentist in order to acquire the dental profession.